Sunday, January 10, 2016

Lions Three, 24" X 18" pen and ink on paper. These images show the progression of pencil drawing and ink drawing the final image is about 90% complete. This is atypical, since I normally complete the pencil drawing before I start the ink work. But, this work I wanted to make sure the drawing style I had started was going to give me the results that I wanted. I am happy with the outcome.

Today, I begin my very own art blog. My intentions are to keep those interested in the artwork I am creating up-to-date on my work.  Also, I have been asked to show others how I work on projects, and informed about any upcoming events. 2016 will be a year of trial and error along with many changes and this is one of them.

I will be working on new art for a show at Artivities on Commercial Street in July. Starting an online store and creating the set-up to participate in art fairs and those kinds of shows.

My plan is to mix updates, tutorials and inspiration with a bit of fun. The year has started well, let’s keep it going!

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